EMET – Emergency Medicine Education & Training

Transform Medical are proud to support the EMET program in the WA Wheatbelt Region, conducted with support of the WA Country Health Service (WACHS).

EMET is a federal government funded program administered by the Australasian College of Emergency Medicine (ACEM) Most of the Emergency Departments (ED) and emergency services in rural, regional and remote regions are staffed by health care practitioners such as medical officers, GPs, nurses, allied health staff, paramedics and ambulance officers who are not specifically trained in emergency medical care. The EMET program provides specific training to these practitioners to improve their care of patients requiring urgent and emergency care in rural, regional and remote areas of Australia.

Our Specialists assist by providing curriculum development and lead facilitation of the WA Wheatbelt program that visits the towns of Northam, Merredin and Narrogin as well as providing VC education.

If you are a health practitioner in the WA Wheatbelt area interested in attending these sessions please contact us through our contact form.

For more information about our Education & Training programs visit our Acute Care Education page.
